Observations: Eastern Canada

After I quit my full-time job, I was determined to blog more. In the start of the new year, I made a resolution to blog once a week. Now, here I am eight months since quitting and almost six months into 2018, writing my first blog post. And it’s about a trip I took aContinue reading “Observations: Eastern Canada”

To disembark or not to disembark, that is the question

It amazes me how intensely people debate on social media and how willing people are to berate friends over status updates and comments. But that’s what our society has become. People can easily hide behind their profiles and argue to the death without having to face their opponents – who may actually be their closeContinue reading “To disembark or not to disembark, that is the question”

Author says there’s no place for alpha females in a relationship

As appeared on NonDoc.com At first, it was my friend’s all-caps, double-exclamation-mark Facebook post that motivated me to look closer at the article she was sharing. But then it was the headline that fully pulled me in: “Society is creating a new crop of alpha women who are unable to love.” Finally, someone had definedContinue reading “Author says there’s no place for alpha females in a relationship”

Ayahuasca will change your life…

November 30, 2016 “Are you here for ayahuasca?” I was asked on multiple occasions during my visit to Iquitos. Despite being called “The Gateway to the Amazon,” many young tourists only know Iquitos for the popular brew that comes out of the nearby jungle. I, on the other hand, had only briefly heard of ayahuascaContinue reading “Ayahuasca will change your life…”

The case of the disappearing guy friends

I’m having a hard time coming to terms with all the friends I’ve been losing (or am scared of losing) over recent years – and I’m not talking about the handful of female friends who are no longer in my life following dramatic fallouts. My clear inability to judge strong character and habit of allowingContinue reading “The case of the disappearing guy friends”

Don’t date a girl who travels…

Thanks Adi Zarsadias for a great piece that totally resonates with me. I took your words and came up with some of my own. ……………………………………………………… She’s the one with the messy unkempt hair colored by the sun. Her skin is now far from fair like it once was. Not even sun kissed. It has tanContinue reading “Don’t date a girl who travels…”

18 Ways to Help the Philippines

Being more than 8,000 miles away makes it hard to lend a hand or be of help to the more than 4 million people affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Because it takes money to fund and coordinate relief efforts, that’s where we Americans be of most help. Fortunately, there is a wide varietyContinue reading “18 Ways to Help the Philippines”